Feldenkrais & Performing Arts
Jennifer Blanco works both individually and in group settings with performers including dancers, actors, and musicians. She combines her expertise in the Feldenkrais Method® with her experience in the field of performing arts (theater, dance, and music). Her approach focuses on an artistic practice that promotes health, personal growth, and development.
The Feldenkrais Method offers significant potential to help performers improve their body awareness, move with greater ease, and overcome physical and emotional blocks that may limit their performance on stage.
Performers can benefit from the Feldenkrais Method in various ways learning to:
Practice new warm-up techniques
Overcome physical and emotional blocks
Improve stage presence
Release tension
Enhance spatial awareness
Overcome anxiety and stress
Be more grounded
Restore wellbeing and healthy functioning
Move with greater ease
Improve flexibility
Gain spontaneity
Improve the speaking and singing voice
Free the breath
Improve body awareness
Become aware of habitual patterns of movement
Move in new ways
Increase breathing capacity
Whether you're an artist seeking to refine any aspect of your discipline—such as a singer interested in optimizing breathing or jaw mobility, an actor honing movement skills, a dancer focused on specific movement nuances or recovering from an injury, or a musician looking to enhance agility and coordination—or represent an institution, festival, training program, or university interested in integrating the Feldenkrais Method® into its educational offerings through workshops, seminars, or classes, let's explore the possibilities together.